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What is Spiritism?

A New Era for Humanity:

The Era of the Spirit!

Spiritism is a "progressive body of knowledge", a Spiritualist Philosophy focused on the spiritual education of the immortal Spirit. It was codified in the 19th century by the French educator Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, also known as Allan Kardec. Spiritism is the name given by Kardec to the teachings of the Spirits; adherents of Spiritism are called Spiritists.


It is so different from all there is, that it can be affirmed without proselytism that Spiritism is a new paradigm for Humanity. Spiritism rests on three equally important and intertwined fundamental aspects:







"Spiritism is simultaneously a philosophy and a field of scientific study. As a scientific endeavor, it studies the relationships between the physical and the spiritual worlds. As a philosophy, it deals with the moral implications of such relationships. […] Spiritism is a science that deals with the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits and their relation to the corporeal world.”  - Allan Kardec


These three aspects are in alignment: the philosophical thought, the scientific knowledge, and the moral teachings contained in the Gospels. By touching these areas of human knowledge and behavior, Spiritism offers enlightenment and consolation, opening a new era for the regeneration of the Spirit. It shall be examined, studied and practiced as such.


Because of its ethic-moral (religious) aspect, Spiritism is often mistaken for a religion. However, Spiritism is NOT a religion.


"Within Spiritism, religion is understood as conduct, as moral aspect, as living practice. Spiritism regards Jesus' moral teachings as a Universal Moral Code.” For Spiritists, "Jesus is not an object of worship but a role model for behavior."   -Haroldo D. Dias


Spiritism is a way of living!
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